Saturday, February 22, 2014

Pretend it's February 21st!

Hi Everyone!

We had an elaborate plan at 900 Saint Paul Street for Ruthie to remind Eve to post. We realized as we drifted off to sleep that our genius plan had failed. We forgot. We're sorry. BUT LUCKILY Ruthie babysat last night for a very insistent two year old who a) can only go to sleep if her favorite lullaby (hamotzi, the song one) is sung repeatedly and b) loves to "watch Elmo on the ipad." This is lucky because this gem was on the episode of Sesame Street we happened to watch:

Inspired, we pulled up the original, which might be just as good:

We considered putting on all the clothing in Ruthie's room and learning the choreography so we could post a third video of US rocking out, but we decided to watch Gossip Girl in Ruthie's bed instead.

We love you!
Eve (and Ruthie)

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