Friday, February 7, 2014

February 7

Hi! So you can read this in my voice, it's Sam Potasznik.

I'm off work today because UT Austin is closed due to... cold? Possible ice? I don't know really, but this is the 4th delayed start or cancellation in the past two weeks which is both odd and kind of funny since there's been exactly half an inch of snow over the same time period. But my point isn't about the Snow-Preparedness of the American South: Birds, but rather about having a job to go into! Because I do now, and I didn't for a long while. It was a little tough, but luckily for everyone reading this, I spent a lot of time looking at funny pictures on the internet!

So let's get this party started off right... here we goooooo....

Oh yea! That guy's excited, and you should be too, because this post is about. To get. AWESOME.

We'll begin with a sampling of awe-inspiring pics from humans and nature. Then we'll get back to cute animals before finishing off with some just plain uncategorizable hilarious shit.

So without further ado, a sampling of awe-inspiring pics from humans and nature!
 Oh yea, that's some crazy aurora seen from the international space station! "They have an international space station now? Well I'll be."

Next up isn't a snow-globe, but rather a bubble (like the kind you blow with a wand) freezing!
Maybe that's a metaphor or something? I dunno, but you can check out the full series where it came from here.
Next up are the two "human" entries into our series. A skull (one of many) carved out of a geode,
and a bug made out of watch parts! I feel like these are related somehow.

Again, there's more in that set.

OK! Next up are cute animals! Get ready, because they are very cute.
As in, "basket full of Huskies" cute.

As in, "tiny little tuwtle" cute.

And as in, "dog in a Halloween costume" cute. The above is actually a good segue into our final section (*sigh*), humor! (yayyy!) Some need no explanation:



And lastly, thank you for reading / watching / looking at. Hopefully February's not getting you too down. If it is, just remember,
and good things are on their way.

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