Wednesday, February 26, 2014

[February 26]


We're so close! Two more days to March. I'm grateful for this project we all do together, because now February ending brings a twinge of sadness as I say goodbye to what we've marked as a special time for connecting and supporting one another. But mostly? I'm jonesin' for spring. 

Here's a beautiful Mary Oliver poem I adore, which resonates as we inch towards the tipping point into springtime energy: 

Wrens (from her collection Owls and Other Fantasies)

here I go 
into the wide gardens of 
wastefields blue glass clear glass 
and other rubbishes blinking from the 

dust from the fox tracks among the
roots and risings of 
buttercups joe pye honey

suckle the queen's 
lace and her

blue sailors

the little wrens
have carried a hundred sticks into

an old rusted pail and now they are
singing in the curtains of leaves they are

fluttering down to the bog they are dipping

their darling heads down to wet

their whistles how happy they are to be
diligent at last

foolish birds

And two other celebratory offerings: 

This song -- mmm delicious. 

Life is But a Dream  -- An hour and a half of Beyonce that left me feeling sparkly and INSPIRED. 

Love and deep breaths until spring springs,

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