Saturday, February 22, 2014

February 22, 2014 - Tali

Great things to share on this glorious Saturday:

1) It's my big brother's birthday!!! I feel infinitely grateful for his existence and love in my life.

2) This 3-minute NPR StoryCorps piece about a Jewish family from Queens (listen, don't just read). My favorite part might be: "And I said, 'This is so refreshing.' They don't ask about when I'm getting my period, or how much money I make, or did I make a doodie today"

3) NPR's Planet Money's fascinating t-shirt project from December, documenting the life of a simple t-shirt. Here's one of the episodes, which focuses on the crazy afterlife of a t-shirt. The opening bit of that one is a cool reminder of how tiny the world can feel.

4) This meme that makes me giggle.

5) Humans of New York, a visual blog cataloguing NYC folk. Beware: it is easy for hours of your life to fly by once you start reading this site and get sucked in...which I encourage you to let yourself do.

6) This beautiful story from Modern Love about lots of things, including the awesome power of resilience.

Already feeling nostalgic for our beloved February Project. (Really trying to live in the moment, but sometimes it's hard, ya know?!) And still feeling incredibly lucky to be part of this community of life artisans, as Harry so wonderfully called us.

Lots of love!!

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