Saturday, February 23, 2019

Some Confections

Hi my dears, I am squeaking it in during the ending hours of my allotted day, February 23rd.

Earlier this month, I spent a little bit of time looking through my entries from February Projects past. Has anyone else done that? Re-encountered a previous self inhabiting a different life that is no longer?

I recommend it; there was perspective there. And some delight. And a little bit of heartache. But in a primarily good way.

Look at us! Having done this for enough time that we have inhabited a few different incarnations of our existences since we began. How beautiful. How marvelous.

Lately, I have been less about words, more about image and about intuition. I'm going to share some pantings my one of my favorite artists, Wayne Thiebaud. I even like saying his name. There is something delightful about it, a delight that I also find in his art, especially in the pieces he's most famous for, which depict desserts. These reproductions don't do justice to the spirit that comes off the canvases when you are in their presence (duh), but at least you can get the gist, then maybe go visit a few of them at the MoMA or the SF MoMA or the Getty or the East Wing of the National Gallery or somewhere like that.

His paintings have this thrilling electricity to them, emanating (I think) from the slight shocks of bright color that appear slyly in every piece, unmissable but never taking center stage.

So here they are. If ever you're feeling in need of a little zing, Google "Wayne Thiebaud dessert."

My love to you all.

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