Thursday, February 7, 2019


Hi February Friends,

February, as some of us might say, continues to be [itself].
[[[Does anyone else want a pronoun to help February sound more sentient than "itself", but not want to need to gender February in the process?]]]

One shift in my relation to this sentient month seems to be a new relation with surrender. After a fall full of fire and a January full of movement, I feel still in her embrace. Held. Safe.
I'm allowing February to flow through me like water, and discovering how buoyant I  am when I surrender to [her] waves.

On Sunday my yoga instructor reminded us that even the deepest ocean has a floor beneath [it], is snuggled by earth. Last night I let the sound of her swell lull me to sleep.

Tonight she has me wanting to enjoy the rare quiet night home, By Myself, to step away from screens... I hope some more words arrive for me to share with you later on in this month but for now... a few of our dear, darling, beloved Mary's.

And, alright. Some of Nariyah's because... water. And because... we are. soft.

As they will, I do feel something brewing- so I do hope to return to this post and share more as February simmers.

love you like a rain drop in california fall,

[[[P.S.I do not know how to weave this in to anything above... but/and, I came across this video a couple weeks ago, and did want to share it with you all. I think dating a GenX-er has heightened my millenial sensibilities. The economy, the state of the world, the avocado toast- it's. just. not. our. fault. And sometimes, especially in these times, it helps me to laugh about it. ]]]

[[[P.P. S. Happy Birthday Sophie Elsner! Wow thank goodness she was born! What a blessing.]]]

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