Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Feb. 27th

Hi my friends,

Another February is nearly complete! Wow. This one really flew by for me, for a few reasons. First, Micah and I took a legit VACATION to the Bahamas for the first week of the month, which was deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. I kept being overwhelmed with wonder and gratitude that "vacation" is even a thing, and feeling super indebted to and inspired by labor activists of past generations for fighting for this to be part of my rights as a worker. Thanks, guys! Wow, I needed that.

It has also flown by because I am pregnant with twins, and I find that I am experiencing and marking time and in some new ways as the pregnancy progresses, including thinking more in weeks and days than in months at the moment. I'm happy to report that so far everyone is healthy and well. :) During this February month I started to really feel fetal movement, and now these kicks and flips and dance parties happening internally are punctuating my days (and totally distracting me during some of my therapy sessions with my clients!). So, for me, this month has felt very ALIVE this year.

And now to some internet things to share just for fun:

I saw "Green Book" last night, and actually really enjoyed it. But/and, after seeing the movie I watched this funny parody of that genre of movie and, while some moments are a bit slow and maybe it's a bit long, numerous lines in it made me laugh out loud and I recommend it. The very end gave me the biggest laugh so it is worth sticking with it.

Other than that, last thought is that I'm really enjoying paying attention to how the days are already getting noticeably longer even though it's still totally February and still winter. Each time I see the sun still out after 5 pm it gives me this little thrill of excitement about spring coming. The feeling makes me think of this song from Nava Tehila that I love and want to share.

Love to all of you wherever you are,


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