Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday, February 12 (for Tuesday, February 6)

Hello all,

I am sharing a preschool-authored poem (from a class I taught last year).

The background is that we all have an invisible third eye, with which we can see everything we don't see with our other two eyes. When you close your regular eyes, you'll start to see with your Third Eye. The first line is mine and the rest is theirs.

Third Eye Poem

My Third Eye sees what my other eyes don't. 
With my Third Eye I see...
The roots underneath the trees.
see pineapple trees, apricot trees,
An elephant -- underground,
A dinosaur eating.
With my Third Eye I see that my head is a T-Rex's fossil and my knees are my hands. 
see an elephant at the Bronx Zoo,
I see the things inside my nose,
My heart beating.
My whole bones.
Apples growing. 

Secondly, I share a quote from my nephew that Ruthie and I really liked and seems to come in handy at times. He asked about the family dog Fenway, 
"Mama...Fenway does have his fur on to keep him cozy?"

With love,
Anna SF 

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