Thursday, February 26, 2015

Home stretch

Hi Friends,

Though February can be oh-so-cruel, it is also oh-so-short. What a kind gift. Thank you...Pope Gregory? HaShem? --  I don't know who to thank. But I feel really glad it's almost over.

Yesterday, in spite of the freezing cold and the colorlessness of urban winter, I unexpectedly was  hit with a surge of gratitude for everything and everyone in my life. It's the best when that happens! I felt energy flow through my blissfully young, active body, and excitement for spring, and joy that I get to do meaningful work and keep learning every day, and be loved and love.

Here are a couple things I listened to and looked at while I was in that mood that kept making me smile bigger and bigger. Hope they bring you some of that same feeling!

1.  Most of all, this video of some badass elderly folks getting down to the song Uptown Funk. OH THE DANCE MOVES. That's how I want to be when I grow up. (A girl can dream...)

2. Just, this. No explanation necessary.

3. This beautiful video, the introduction to which reads: "What happens when you combine the talents of Russia's ballet bad boy Sergei Polunin, Irish gospel luminary Hozier and photography pop wizard David LaChapelle? Apparently, a whole lot of angsty, sexy, beautiful dancing ensues." Not as smiley, but mmmmm. 

4. And lastly, PUPPIES!

Happy almost March, dear ones!

Mountains and beaches of love,