Friday, February 20, 2015

2/20 by Sam Potasznik

Well, what do I say after THAT? Damn, y'all. How lucky am I?


I don't have that much to say today, but I'll drop some things here which I've been finding useful. One's words, one's an image, and one's a podcast. They're all on the same theme of "Let go." and "Don't stress out too much about your work." They've been helpful to me, and I hope they are for you, too

The first is from the already-febproject-blogged-about Cheryl Strayed's advice column Dear Sugar. Writing to a struggling 20-something writer, Sugar says, "the kindest thing I can do for you is to tell you to get your ass on the floor." Let's repeat that. Get. Your ass. On. The. Floor. You think you should already be accomplished? You think you're great? Well, accomplishments are false idols, and you are but dust, bunny so you best lower yourself to dust.

I like it. Be humble. Achievement is nothing.

The second is a little poster from I don't know where:
Something I struggle with is editing my work before its time. Rules 6 and 7 are useful reminders not to. It's already broken. Just keep going.

The last is something to listen to. Has anyone febprojected On Being with Krista Tippett yet? Let's do so if not. Here's a great episode with a woman who researches shame and people who live "full" lives. One quote sticks out to me, and I've been using it as a mantra:

"Productivity is not self worth."

It's true. Hopefully tonight, the start of Shabbat, the day and time which led to me meeting so many of you reminds us of this fact. Going slow is good. Breathing is good. Breaks are good. I hope you have a great one this weekend.

Shabbat shalom.

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