Sunday, February 3, 2013

[post three] february 3, 2013

in the second noteworthy event to happen involving baltimore and san francisco tonight, this post comes as a collaborative effort between ruthie and jana. but all i'm doing (ruthie) is the posting.

from jana, with love, comes this poem by yehuda amichai:

On Some Other Planet You May Be Right

"On some other planet you may be right be right,
but not here." In the middle of talking you shifted
to a silent weeping, as people shift from blue to black
in the middle of a letter when a pen goes dry,
or as they used to change horses during a journey.
Talk grew tired, tears
are fresh.

Seeds of summer flew into the room
we were sitting in. In front of the window
there was an almond tree growing black:
one more warrior in the eternal battle
of the sweet against the bitter.

Look, just as time isn't inside clocks
love isn't inside bodies:
bodies only tell the love.

But we will remember this evening
the way swimmers remember the strokes
from one summer to the next. "On some other planet
you may be right, but not here."

sending sweet wishes for the week ahead.

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