Monday, February 13, 2017

February 13th, 2017

Hey y'all, 

We're almost half-way through February! Way to be, everyone. Thanks for your words and internet treats. 

To continue a theme Aleeza just introduced around pregnancy and birth, I've been drawing delight and inspiration from Beyonce's pregnancy and her celebration of her own strength and beauty. Check out her photo shoot. It feels so good to be reminded of creative power, fertility, and feminine badassery. Thanks, Queen Bey. 

On a different but connected note, I went on a meditation retreat back in December and it helped me re-commit to mindfulness practice even as the world is increasingly chaotic and I feel urgently called in dozens of directions at any given moment. The retreat left me feeling a little less overwhelmed, a little more able to take in the enormity of what's unfolding around us and to remember that I get to make choices about how to relate internally. I want to share a guided meditation that Tara Brach offered during that retreat that was deep and transporting, and that I am still thinking about. The layout on the page is a little weird (at least on my computer), but look for the title "Heart Meditation: Awakening Loving Presence." If anyone does take the time to do this meditation, and wants to talk about their experience with it, I am all ears! I found it to be really personally impactful.

With love,


215-720-5832, if you want to discuss <3

1 comment:

  1. wow... i've listened to this now 3 times?
    all i plead of you is this:
    make love of yourself perfect.
    thank you...
