Friday, February 10, 2017

February 10, 2017

Happy Friday Morning everyone <3 --

I am sitting on my balcony, looking out at a beautiful Friday morning in Tel Aviv. I have my coffee; the paper arrived on time this morning; I will go on a run soon. No complaints come to mind.

This was a week of two big simchas for me, I am lucky to report. There was a big professional milestone that went off without a hitch. And only to be followed by a big piece of news in my family that brings only BIG LOVE to the world. And so this shabbat, I count my blessings. 

And of all the blessings- I am especially in gratitude to the women in my life who superduper shown up for me lately. Women are the actual best.  Yesterday,  my friend Molly came over to my apartment mid-afternoon to "work." Work = We baked challot and drank smoothies and ordered sushi and made the very wise decision to rewatch Season 5 of Girls. And then we got high and ate one of the challahs by accident and had to make a new one. So come 11:30 PM, third challah of the day in the oven, sweatpants on, both Molly and I are in tears watching Lena Dunham start to jog over the Manhattan bridge. And I just thought, fuck, I am so glad that I get to be a woman. 

Not a thought that gets to be taken for granted these days. But there you have it. SO HERES A BIG OLD OMGYES TO THAT.

Lots of love and Shabbat Shalom. (And Girls season 6 starts on Sunday, in case you needed a reminder.)



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