Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Lights of the Littles

Hi dear ones,

I find myself sitting quietly in my room, reveling quietly in the simple pleasures of my day--- moving offices to the room next door and having a new nook with a sunny window, finding a new rocking  yoga instructor last week and making it to class today, having had the energy to cook myself food earlier this week that was ready for me to heat up upon returning home, hearing my love describe a new class he taught today, knowing that since I worked on Sunday, tomorrow is Friday for me this week... and reveling most of all in this rare opportunity to share the intimacy of the mundane details of my daily life in a collective space of so many humans I love. So thanks for reading and for indulging.

I'm not feeling so articulate in this moment, and hope to have some musings that sink to levels deeper as February has its way with me and I post again on the 21st.

Until then, I'll lean in to the call of this moment will keep my words short, and share some favorite treasures of the last 12 months... bringing forth on this February evening the wisdom of the little ones... May we remember with levity and self-love that oftentimes the shadow we see is our own. May we discover the strength and ferocity, the love and compassion**, and the ability to dance dance dance our way through each moment. And may this help us thrive and find the support and laughter we need to thrive this February and beyond, as we follow in the rhythms of these little lights.

[**But really... this video is one of the most inspiring things the internet has brought to me... so... watch it.]


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