Friday, February 5, 2016

A leak in the gas!

Dear friends,

It is minutes before candlelighting (or has Shabbat already begun? What is time...? etc.) and Benj and I are scrambling with National Grid because our gas was turned off. Long story (and I wouldn't even be able to adequately explain it even if I tried), but in this time we have no hot water, cooking power, or heat. Last night we took bucket baths, which was a #tbt to my Nepali days! In the long run, no big deal, in the short run a nuisance. But what I'm taking away from it is that we are so very lucky all the time to have security, clean water, food to cook, cell phones to call for assistance, loved ones to sympathize with, and each other to laugh about the absurdity of it all. So that's the play by play of my day so far.

For a while now I've been wanting to learn Spanish beyond the lyrics of the Macarena which was my high school Spanish curriculum freshman year (not not useful!). Given the lack of consistency in my schedule always, it has been tricky to find and commit to a weekly session or class. But alas! The internet has everything! I've been playing around on this website that helps you learn and practice, and I thought I'd share it in case anyone wants to hone up on some language skills.

We saw Toni Morrison speak this week and she had a beautiful message that I wanted to share. She said that goodness is always more interesting, always more complicated, always better than violence, hatred, badness. It's simple and common sense, but actually had a profound impact on me. After people always saying that good news doesn't sell, it was refreshing to hear a giant of our times say that actually goodness is way more interesting.

Lastly, what I have posted in the past several years are some delightful mammalian birth videos. As I fall more and more in love with human birth, I thought I'd stick to the tradition. Any questions about the wonderous and miraculous process, please ask away! I present to you the original placenta eaters, doggies:

Love to all, and Shabbat shalom

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