Wednesday, March 1, 2017

[February "29th"]

Dearest, Most Sacred Humans,

This year, I haven't felt like I had the time, like...spiritual time, to be here. All I had was the ability to send an email, compile responses, and put together a schedule. And you all did the rest. And then, hilariously, some of you thanked me for making this happen. And, as always, you taught me so much over this month. I didn't have the koach, the strength, the, like, [I'm making a hand motion that expresses what I mean], to do what usually makes me feel fully present in this February ritual. I felt like I could check in, but not every day, and like I could go through the motions, but not like I could make this little .com (actually here, but whatever) my place of worship for the month.

And it was ok.

I let go, and you all held us up.

Isn't that amazing? Of course it's amazing. Community is so special.

I have no more words (what?! who hacked Ruthie's account?!) but I want to share with you a few things. First, these sunflowers that surprised me last week on my way to work and made me smile so much that I had to make sure to walk home with a buddy so I could safely* take out my phone to photograph them on the way home:

*I'm definitely overly cautious, don't worry about me.

And these Harry-inspired close-ups of bees on flowers. Note the one showing us phe's butt in the first pic, and the lovely visible fur (I know it's not fur but stillllll) and wing in the second:

With immense love and gratitude, and until next time,

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