Saturday, March 1, 2014

"February 28th"


We did it. We're here. 

I am so grateful to all of you for making this project real for a second time. February didn't quite feel like February for me this year. I graduate in just two weeks, and I haven't felt particularly connected to the actual calendar. Time alternates between crawling and sprinting, and seems to switch between the two as it pleases with little regard for my preferences, and it all feels like it doesn't have much to do with the way the calendar is progressing. All that is to say, I'm not sure I know what day it is or what month it is. And, I have felt you all so closely over the last "month" and I am so, so grateful for that.

I had a playful argument with my cousin's father in law a couple of months ago about technology. He complained that our generation has too much communication and too little substance within that communication. If he could see us know? I love the way you have all breathed life into this space, and the way the same internet that brings us this which reminded me of this:

can also give us a space to create this extension of our community. Listen, you're all amazing. Thank you for existing and for sharing your existence with the rest of us. We're a lucky bunch.

A tiny part of me is looking forward to next February, you know?

Before we part, here are some other things I want to share with you.

If you haven't seen this, take a loosten (that's look plus listen. youtube, it will cost you if you want to take that word from me):

And here's a screen shot of the MOST absurd email I actually in real life was cc-ed on in regards to a serious academic symposium I organized:

And finally, some words I received through a new twist on the old aol chain letter aka the inspiration exchange email that has been going around:

I love you,